
Elections présidentielles 2012.

It would be difficult to visit France or follow the French media without noticing the frantic going-ons of  "la campagne électorale".A few days ago, it was the "official" start and countdown when campaigning has become more restricted  to be fair to all but it has been going on for a while now!
I am not a wizard at French politics but just wanted to introduce a few basics, more details will be available on the links.
The French president used to be elected for 7 years (that period was called le "septennat").Since 2000, the period has been shortened to 5 years (le quinquennat) and this took effect in 2002. Nicolas Sarkozy, the present president is running for a second term which will/would be his final.
Le Président de la République Française (formal title) lives/works at l'Elysée which is a fine building discreetly tucked away near the Champs Elysées.
To come back to the campaign, it basically happens it two stages (le premier/le deuxième tour) if the first go wasn't satisfactory with a clear winner (50% of votes plus one). Elections always take place on a Sunday , the 2nd round always a fortnight after the first. This year, the dates are April 22nd and May 6th. On the second "tour" ,voters will be asked to choose between the 2 higher scorers of the first "tour" (there are 10 candidates at the moment).
 "L'affichage sauvage" (wild posters) was abolished with the restricted areas specifically designed for that purpose. Aesthetic/environmental purposes but also again to be fair.

One big controversy this year will be the announcement of "les résultats"! The results should be officially given at 20 heures (8:00PM) and it is illegal to broadcast them before that! But social networks (les réseaux sociaux) and news websites are looking for ways around the rule to be able to broadcast them well before that. Some say that old (very old ) rules can't be applied to new media!  We'll see what happens. ("On verra!") Hefty fines have been mentioned.
So, these are the basics. The soap opera unfolds every day on the news. And "que le meilleur gagne!" (let the best man /woman win!)
BBC Elections
France 24 Elections
Quiz on French presidents in French.
Another quiz in French.
Quiz in English.
Fun photo quiz.

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