
Abbayes, basiliques, cathédrales, édifices religieux...

Today is yet another Bank Holiday in France, l'Ascension. As many Bank Holidays it is a religious feast. This gives me the opportunity to introduce just a few of the many religious buildings, some famous, some less notorious, some grand, some more humble! De Gaulle said "How can you govern a country with as many cheeses as days in the year?". I think it is probably the same with les "édifices religieux"!

Cathedrale De  Metz.

Click here for the best of French religious buildings:
Les plus beaus edifices religieux de France.
and then try to visit each with their own links and webcams with some spiritual music ( musique sacrée) maybe!
La cathédrale de Rouen.
Notre Dame de Paris
Sacre Coeur

Basilique de Vezelay.