Une éphéméride is a "tear-off calendar", with each page showing the day's date and some details. It is far more popular in France, probably because every day has a nominated Saint to remember, but that is another story. It has now been revamped into a similar daily page or section on websites.
As well as the date and the Saint to commemorate, it can feature solar and lunar timings, tides, special historical events, proverb of the day etc... An alternative in papers and websites would be carnet du jour, but this also includes special events such as births, marriages, etc... An example of un Carnet du Jour can be seen in my practical stuff section in the left column.
To come back to éphémère (note the change of accent), it is an adjective to describe something that does not last a very long time : une rencontre (a meeting), une promesse (a promiss), une union etc...or un papillon (butterfly) , une fleur (flower)...
"Nos actes ne sont éphémères qu'en apparence. Leurs répercussions se prolongent parfois pendant des siècles. La vie du présent tisse celle de l'avenir." Gustave Le Bon, Extrait de Hier et de Demain.
(Our actions seem to be short lived. Their consequences can sometimes have an impact through centuries.Today's life weaves tomorrow's.)
(Our actions seem to be short lived. Their consequences can sometimes have an impact through centuries.Today's life weaves tomorrow's.)
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